
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12-26: Taking A Second Look At Evil Dead (2013)

Giving the Evil Dead remake a second look for you!


  1. I can't believe that you sold out!! You changed your opinion to satisfy some of your viewers. The movie was exactly how you originally described it, a load of crap. This reboot sucks, the only thing it has to offer is gore. This has become a fad in horror, torture porn. This movie was boring,predictable, no build-up,no humor, Extremely unlikeable cast. Hated every character except for the dog. A waste of a remake. One of the worst movies of 2013. I'm still a fan of yours, but please keep your position even though people attack or criticize you. I highly recommend the horror/comedy from Ireland, Grabbers. A creature feature film.
    Angel G from tha Bronx

    1. If I dislike a movie I dislike it. I'm not going to change my mind just to make others happy. But I truly did enjoy the film more the 2nd time around. I still don't think its anything great. I certainly don't understand all the praise. Its just a mediocre remake. But I don't think its absolutely horrible either. Though the characters are still predictable and annoying, its just this time I was able to look past that and not let it bother me so much. After a 2nd watch I did not feel it was as bad as I initially thought and felt it should be removed from my worst of list.
